All you have to do is sign up with your name and email and you're in the draw. It's literally as easy as that!
We also give you the ability to earn even more chances to win.
A family owned and operated business
Murray started Withers Electrical in February 1993 and son Ricky joined in 2008 having spent 4 years training and learning the trade here in New Zealand and Australia.
Murray and Ricky leverage their individual skills and experience to lead the Withers team
472 Bond Road, Te Awamutu, Te Awamutu 3800, New Zealand
All you have to do is sign up with your name and email and you're in the draw. It's literally as easy as that!
We also give you the ability to earn even more chances to win.
472 Bond Road, Te Awamutu, Te Awamutu 3800, New Zealand
RuralHQ is a comprehensive directory service for rural New Zealand.
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