All you have to do is sign up with your name and email and you're in the draw. It's literally as easy as that!
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FarmRight saw the opportunity to fill a service gap in the dairy farming market in New Zealand. As equity partnerships, corporate ownership and large scale family holdings in dairy farming increased, the need for specialised business management became apparent.
The business has expanded from the original three managed farms to 54 presently. In late 2010 FarmRight was selected by the New Zealand Superannuation Fund as investment manager of a significant rural investment mandate.
FarmRight now focuses on providing a full range of investment and management solutions to well governed, long term investors. This includes investors in portfolios of farms as well as traditional equity partnerships.
FarmRight Limited are specialists in dairy farming. Our staff have an extensive range of experience including specialised dairy consultancy, farm management, development and administration.
468 Sloane Street, Te Awamutu, Te Awamutu 3800, New Zealand
All you have to do is sign up with your name and email and you're in the draw. It's literally as easy as that!
We also give you the ability to earn even more chances to win.
468 Sloane Street, Te Awamutu, Te Awamutu 3800, New Zealand
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